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What is a place value:

In a 2-digit number, the leftmost digit represents the number of tens and the rightmost digit represents the number of ones. The place value of a digit in a number depends on its position. The place value of a digit in a 2-digit number is as follows:

  • The place value of the tens digit is 10s.
  • The place value of the ones digit is 1s.


For example, in the number 64 the digit 6 has a place value of 60 (6 tens) and the digit 4 has a place value of 4 (4 ones).


  • In this workbook, the student is expected to find place value of 2 digit numbers
  • Set of 11 worksheets included with a total of 95+ practice problems
  • Must for Grade-2 students. Can be an early start for Grade-1 students as well


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Includes answer sheets as well.

Place value of 2-digit numbers (Set of 11 Worksheets)

$2.99 Regular Price
$1.99Sale Price
  • This is a digital product with instant download. A link to the .pdf will be emailed upon purchase. Nothing will be mailed. 

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